Rabu, 23 April 2008

Training ESQ

ESQ alias Emotional Spiritual Quotient adalah sebuah training kepemimpinan dan sumber daya manusia berbasiskan spiritualitas. Gw sebagai salah satu alumni dari training ini pengen sdikit sharing dulu nih di blog gw yang terbilang udah lama tapi baru diurusin sekarang... hahaha..

let's start!

waktu itu bulan Juni 2006.. gw dipaksa ma nyokap utk ikutan ESQ..
ESQ??? paan tu?? obat sakit kaki??? atau apakah ini sebuah sekolah pesantren?? atau yang terparah,, apakah ini sebuah panti jompo..??!

wah,, parah.. gw ga mauu!!! walaupun nyokap udah jelasin ke gw klo ini bukan pesantren atau ceramah2an ala masjid,, atau bahkan panti jompo,, gw ttp aja males.. apa yang bikin gw semales itu??
Lo bayangin,, gw waktu itu masih SMA... masih imut, masih lugu, masih suci.. (wakakaka!!! ga ding, bcanda...)

jadi dlu,, gw SMA di Pontianak (Kalimantan Barat..) dan disuruh ke Jakarta cuma untuk ikutan training ESQ for teens.. masih mending sekalian liburan,, jalan2,, n shopping... masa ke jkt cm utk ikutan training doang??? (itulah pikiran gw saat itu...)

Trus,, d rumah gw, terutama di kamar bokap,, gw sering liat buku2 ESQ, vcd ESQ, dan beberapa stuff berbau ESQ gituu.. gw mikir,, apa sih yg bikin ortu gw seneng banget ikutan ESQ?? sampe beli bukunya,, beli VCD penjelasannya,, dsb...

dalam hati gw mulai tertarik nih...hehe..

Trus diem2,,, gw mulai baca-baca buku ESQ yang tebel itu.. niatnya sih cuma mo baca awal2nya n trakhir2nya doang,, cz gw dlu paling males baca buku tebel... Eeeehh,, ternyata gw keterusan!! hahahaha,,,.... buku itu pun abis di tangan gw dalam bbrp hari..
cz isinya menarik bgt,, so many something new that really inspiring...

dari bukunya,, gw udah mulai ngerti dikid2 ttg hidup ini...
gw pun mulai nyoba2 untuk sholat 5 waktu dsb...
tp ttp.. msh banyak prtanyaan2 yg kadang2 bikin gw bingung ttg hidup ini...

daripada gw trus2an pusing dgn prtanyaan2 dari dlm diri gw sendiri..
gw putuskan menerima tawaran nyokap utk ikutan trainingnya..
wah.. nyokap senengnya bukan maen.. kayak abis dapat undian berhadian mobil dari bungkus deterjen...!

singkat cerita,, gw pun diberangkatkan ke jakarta utk training ESQ teens angkatan 35 di hotel Aryaduta Jakarta..

Pas gw dateng,, suasananya udh agak beda gitu.. cz tb2 banyak org pake baju item-item.. senyum sana senyum sini.. pokoknya pada ramah2 banget dhe...
para peserta yang umumnya anak gaul jakarta pun udh rame aja ngumpul2 di sekitar2 situ..
setelah registrasi,, ngambil name tag dan segalanya,, gw pun disuruh masuk...

waktu masuk ruangan training........................
BRRRRRR!!!! sumpah, dingin abizzz... haha.. trus di depan barisan kursi-kursi peserta, ada tiga layar guueedee, musik2 intrumental pun diputer supaya peserta ngga bosen... wah pokoknya lucu deh,, ga pernah gw dateng ke acara kaya beginian...

hari pertama pun berlalu... kesan2 gw...
gila.... dahsyat... beeeggghh... mata gw bengkak!!!! haha.. hari pertama bnr2 berkesan bwt gue.. walaupun agak capek,, tp semua yang gw dapet dari sana bnr2 worth it... gw dan semua peserta dibimbing utk tau siapa diri kita sebenernya,, blajar ttg penciptaan alam semesta, membuang belenggu2 dr dalam hati,, mengetahui siapa yg seharusnya kita cintai dan kita tuju dalam hidup, dan menyadari kemana kita akan pergi "nanti"....

wah wah... top bgt dah..

besoknya,,, woooow... lbih dahsyat lageee... hr kedua itu qt lbh bnyk bljar ttg darimana sesungguhnya sifat2 baik yg ada di dalam diri setiap manusia dan kenapa sifat2 itu bisa ada.. kita jg diajarin ttg apa sesungguhnya potensi terbesar dr dalm diri kita n how to manifest it in our daily life..

keren deh pokoknyaa...

hahaha... there's nothing more i could say for this experience..
buat lo yg belum pada ikutan,, you should try.. cobain dlu..

buat lo yg masih bertanya2 ttg training esq,, tanya ke diri lo sendiri,, sampe kapan lo mau bertanya2 trus... kalo pada penasaran ttg gimana rasanya ikutan training ESQ,, just feel the experience... susah klo mau diceritain.. hehe.. cz ini training yg benar2 untuk dirasakan...

buat lo yg udah alumni,, salam 165 yaaa!!! terus berjuang di jalan 165!! sebarkan cahaya ini ke semua orang...! kita wujudkan Indonesia emas 2020 sama2...!!

oo iyaa,, buat yg pgen nanya2 or diskusi lbh lanjut ttg ESQ sama gw..
boleeeh...boleeeehh.... i'm open for the discussion..


gitu aja dhe.. capek gw nih..

daaaaaagggghhh... salam 165!!!!!!

Kamis, 13 Desember 2007

Is the existence of soul is just a myth? Does the soul still exist after the death? If yes, is it possible to experience “life” after this body is dead? Some researchers have tried to answer that question for years. Some people said from the scientist side, the “Life” after death is impossible. The one and only way should do is asked to them who already experience the death. Some doctors like Dr. Raymond Moody, Dr. Ken Ring, and Dr. Bruce Greyson ever had a patient who ever felt ; life again after the death. After documented the outpatients experiences, the doctors now believe that there’s evidence about the soul existence in the life beyond death.
Rudolf Steiner, the writer of “Life beyond Death) he doesn’t sees humans as just a constellation of physically organs, but he says that the physical body is just ethical expression from astral and ego activity that revolute into shape and function. He also says that soul and spirit is joining together with the physical organs and takes a spiritual cosmos part, when the soul created in the embryo. All of these definitions come from the spirituality point of view. But, in the Quantum Physics, there are many researchers believe that the existence is not just only in the physical body. The quantum consciousness is based on a concept: All of the thing are related and can influence each other by super fast speed; more than the light speed and the consciousness come from information groove and spiritual effect.
Some people presume this theory is a beginning of spirituality concepts, mystics and some occultism. The experts say that the scientific evidences about life beyond death come from the NDE (Near Death Experience. When the near death experience, somebody has physically dead, for instance, when somebody goes through a heart surgery or heart attack, their heart will stop immediately and they stop breathing. In the next several minutes or hours, the heart pumps again and they can breathe normally. This people mostly ever had experience go out of their body and feels being in the spirit world.

The doctors have been collected some data from the patients who reported this experience more than 30 years. Some experts and doctors believe that this thing is just a hallucination. But some characteristics from NDE’s can’t be explained just because of the hallucination.
In one of a research, a truck driver, 55, Al Sullivan met his deceased mother and his brother in-law by the NDE in his heart surgery process. Sullivan said his mother asked him to go back and tell his neighbor who has a child that has lymphoma that everything would be fine. Amazing, accurately Al said that the doctors who worked on him were slap his arm. Dr. Greyson doubted this experience as a hallucination so he did a research. And then he said, “How come the accurate information can be proving just by an NDE?” It’s a normal thing if the people who have NDE experience will give accurate information based on what they felt. Sometimes the information becomes so physical and sometimes too spiritual.
The Near death experience is a great phenomenon where every people do a big change in their life. The criminals turn to be a better person, they health also become better and no more mentality problems. Most of people who experience NDE will not ask about the existence of God anymore, because they got the answer. When we were come through this world, we lost the connection with God, we forget about His existence. But, after get over the NDE process, we will be re-connect with our truly identity, a part of our self that can’t be explain by words. After us physically death, our soul / spirit still realized every occurrence that happened. Those experiences clearly show us that God is existing.

everybody... this my blog... the first blog in my life... hah..

so.. I hope you leave some comments in my blog..
